Teach Awards 2024

Teach Awards 2024


Collins are delighted to have received several commendations in the 2024 Teach Awards!


We are excited to announce that along with our valued partner, Wandle Learning Trust, Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency books and the Little Wandle Fluency Programme won the Teach Primary award for Primary English.

“The judges were really impressed with the range of exciting Collins Big Cat books that Little Wandle Fluency offers, with appealing titles that provide an excellent bridge between decodable and chapter books. The judges especially liked the broad range, which offer a superb mix of genres, embracing inclusivity.”


Snap Science and Number Builders both received a high commended in the Primary STEM and Primary Numeracy categories.

Judges’ comments on Snap Science:

‘This scheme of work caters for both confident science teachers and those who may feel a little overwhelmed when teaching science. Lesson plans are clearly set out, with key tiered vocabulary, skills and knowledge-based learning intentions and assessment support for teachers. The resource is very thorough and has catered for a range of settings, including the often forgotten mixed-age classes. It is very supportive and would help any school setting.’ 

Judges’ comments on Number Builders:

‘Based around a collection of robust number lines, squares, and plastic number builders counting blocks, the n-bar activity cards feature cartoon characters that invite reception and KS1 learners to assist them in solving various maths challenges. A great way for learners to work semi-independently or within groups to problem-solve with numbers. The accompanying Collins Hub website has a huge amount of lesson PowerPoints, printable worksheets, and plans.’


GCSE Exam Skills and Practice also achieved ‘highly commended’ in the Teach Secondary Awards in the Assessment category with the judges commenting that they, ‘really liked the structured approach around command words. Students would find the QR code videos particularly helpful.’



Congratulations to all the teams that worked on these fabulous resources and thank you Teach Company for the recognition.

You can find out more here.