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SCRABBLE™ Dictionary: The official SCRABBLE™ solver – all playable words 2 – 9 letters in length (Sixth edition)


An essential resource for all Scrabble enthusiasts.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This edition, in paperback, is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This major new edition is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Short definitions are given for every main word listed, and have been updated for this new edition, allowing players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary.

Collins Scrabble dictionaries are endorsed by Mattel and are an essential reference for all Scrabble players.

©2022 Mattel. SCRABBLE™ and SCRABBLE tiles, including S1 tiles, are trademarks of Mattel

RRP: £11.99 Out of stock



Publication Date





912 pages




Collins Scrabble

Official Scrabble publisher since 2004.

Product Description

An essential resource for all Scrabble enthusiasts.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This edition, in paperback, is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This major new edition is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Short definitions are given for every main word listed, and have been updated for this new edition, allowing players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary.

Collins Scrabble dictionaries are endorsed by Mattel and are an essential reference for all Scrabble players.

©2022 Mattel. SCRABBLE™ and SCRABBLE tiles, including S1 tiles, are trademarks of Mattel



Publication Date





912 pages



Product Description

An essential resource for all Scrabble enthusiasts.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This edition, in paperback, is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This major new edition is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.

Short definitions are given for every main word listed, and have been updated for this new edition, allowing players to check meanings of words without having to consult a second dictionary.

Collins Scrabble dictionaries are endorsed by Mattel and are an essential reference for all Scrabble players.

©2022 Mattel. SCRABBLE™ and SCRABBLE tiles, including S1 tiles, are trademarks of Mattel


Collins Scrabble

Official Scrabble publisher since 2004.