Collins Big Cat Arabic Reading Programme - Musical instruments of the Arab World: Level 13
Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Stories may also contain more literary, metaphorical language, including similes and other figurative language to help the reader create mental images, plus exaggeration for dramatic or humorous effect. Non-fiction titles contain longer, more formal sentences and a broader range of unfamiliar terms.
Find out more about some of the traditional instruments of the Arab world, including string instruments such as the Oud, wind instruments such as the Nay, and percussion instruments such as the Tabla drum.
RRP: £4.90
Publication Date
32 pages
Fatima Abdulkazem and Hitcham Chami, Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat
Fatima Abdulkazem graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree focusing on children's literature and inquiry. She now works in education and has both taught Arabic and worked on curriculum development in several countries. She is currently teaching at the American School in Rabat, Morocco.Hicham Chami is a professional qanun player. He has written articles and given conference papers on Arabic music, and has worked extensively on education and cultural programmes focusing on Arab music and culture. Originally from Morocco, Hicham is currently studying for a PhD in Ethnomusicology at Columbia University in New York.
Product Description
Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Stories may also contain more literary, metaphorical language, including similes and other figurative language to help the reader create mental images, plus exaggeration for dramatic or humorous effect. Non-fiction titles contain longer, more formal sentences and a broader range of unfamiliar terms.
Find out more about some of the traditional instruments of the Arab world, including string instruments such as the Oud, wind instruments such as the Nay, and percussion instruments such as the Tabla drum.
Publication Date
32 pages
Product Description
Level 13 books feature longer and more complex sentence structures. Sentences make use of a wide range of stylistic features which reflect progression in the teaching of Arabic grammar. Stories may also contain more literary, metaphorical language, including similes and other figurative language to help the reader create mental images, plus exaggeration for dramatic or humorous effect. Non-fiction titles contain longer, more formal sentences and a broader range of unfamiliar terms.
Find out more about some of the traditional instruments of the Arab world, including string instruments such as the Oud, wind instruments such as the Nay, and percussion instruments such as the Tabla drum.
Fatima Abdulkazem and Hitcham Chami, Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat
Fatima Abdulkazem graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree focusing on children's literature and inquiry. She now works in education and has both taught Arabic and worked on curriculum development in several countries. She is currently teaching at the American School in Rabat, Morocco.Hicham Chami is a professional qanun player. He has written articles and given conference papers on Arabic music, and has worked extensively on education and cultural programmes focusing on Arab music and culture. Originally from Morocco, Hicham is currently studying for a PhD in Ethnomusicology at Columbia University in New York.