Interactive Investigations - Early Years: (Downloadable edition)


Interactive Investigations Early Years stimulates and challenges your pupils to think like scientists. This brilliant teaching resource uses photos, illustrations and animations to pose a question for study and makes it easy to introduce, prepare for and write up science investigations. This is a paid-for download.

Each download consists of three parts:

  • Introduction: sets the scene for an investigation as well as stimulating discussion about the topic.
  • Interactive writing frame: two levels of entry allow for differentiation. Pupils are guided through the writing frame before they conduct their investigation. Once they have finished their investigation and collected their results they enter them and their conclusions. The software brings everything together on screen and pupils have the option to also print out their complete write up of their investigation.

This is a paid-for download.
• Plenary: consolidates pupils' learning and ensures everyone has understood the key point of the investigation.

RRP: £102.00



Publication Date





Series edited by Alison Norman

Product Description

Interactive Investigations Early Years stimulates and challenges your pupils to think like scientists. This brilliant teaching resource uses photos, illustrations and animations to pose a question for study and makes it easy to introduce, prepare for and write up science investigations. This is a paid-for download.

Each download consists of three parts:

  • Introduction: sets the scene for an investigation as well as stimulating discussion about the topic.
  • Interactive writing frame: two levels of entry allow for differentiation. Pupils are guided through the writing frame before they conduct their investigation. Once they have finished their investigation and collected their results they enter them and their conclusions. The software brings everything together on screen and pupils have the option to also print out their complete write up of their investigation.

This is a paid-for download.
• Plenary: consolidates pupils' learning and ensures everyone has understood the key point of the investigation.



Publication Date




Product Description

Interactive Investigations Early Years stimulates and challenges your pupils to think like scientists. This brilliant teaching resource uses photos, illustrations and animations to pose a question for study and makes it easy to introduce, prepare for and write up science investigations. This is a paid-for download.

Each download consists of three parts:

  • Introduction: sets the scene for an investigation as well as stimulating discussion about the topic.
  • Interactive writing frame: two levels of entry allow for differentiation. Pupils are guided through the writing frame before they conduct their investigation. Once they have finished their investigation and collected their results they enter them and their conclusions. The software brings everything together on screen and pupils have the option to also print out their complete write up of their investigation.

This is a paid-for download.
• Plenary: consolidates pupils' learning and ensures everyone has understood the key point of the investigation.


Series edited by Alison Norman