Specialists in dyslexia-friendly books

For over 25 years we’ve been publishing super-readable books to help every child become a reader. Alongside award-winning and engaging stories from the best writers, our books are specially designed to help dyslexic readers.

Barrington Stoke are specialists in dyslexia-friendly books

- Short chapters and shorter stories are more manageable for those who get distracted or tire easily.

- Expertly edited to remove the barriers to reading, aid comprehension and accessibility.

- Unique, dyslexia-friendly font designed by specialists to encourage a smooth and easier read.

- Accessible layouts and spacing to stop the page from becoming overcrowded.

- Off-white or tinted, heavier paper to help reduce visual stress.

- Unpatronizing content matched to the age of the reader, not their reading level.

View reading age samples

“Your books awoke my son’s love for reading. From a frustrated boy to a little book worm”
