5 Simple Pleasures to Enjoy with a Friend

5 Simple Pleasures to Enjoy with a Friend


Hanging out with friends and family can be the best endorphin boost. With World Friendship Day coming up on the 30th of July, we thought it was the perfect time to share some ideas from Simple Pleasures to enjoy with a friend. These are small, everyday activities that you can practise with your friends to bring joy into both of your lives.

1. Unexpected cake. We all know that cake is wonderful as it is, but when it arrives as a surprise, it is even better. Being presented with a cake that someone has taken the trouble to bake is truly touching; likewise, presenting someone with baked goods will definitely make their day!

2. A long chat with a friend. There are few things better than a long chat with a friend over a glass of wine – allowing the conversation to drift off in different directions is one of life’s greatest luxuries.

3. Planning a walk with a map. Plan a walk with a friend now that the warm weather is upon us! Take some time to plot your route, take notes directly on the map and bring it with you in your adventures. No phone or signal necessary!

4. Playing board games into the night. Get your snacks and drinks ready and spend a few hours playing board games with your friends or family – it is a most companionable way to extend the day.

5. Blowing bubbles. The wonder of turning a bowl of soapy water into bubbles is made even better when you’re doing it for a child, and you can see the absolute amazement and delight reflected in their face. However, this activity is also very much enjoyed in the company of adult friends – watching the bubbles drift away into the sky brings us right back to happy childhood memories.




Simple Pleasures by Clare Gogerty and National Trust Books celebrates the everyday things that bring us joy, from the feel of fresh sheets to the joy of daydreaming. It is a balm for the soul and the perfect antidote to a pressurised, disconnected modern world.