Many primary schools now give homework on a regular basis. Our job as parents is to make this as easy as possible for our children. Not only does this make it more likely that they will get their homework actually done, it should also help them feel more positive about the experience.
There is so much we can do to help.
Be positive
It is worth saving any gripe you have about homework for you and your child’s teacher to discuss privately. Children pick up on what we say and they are impacted by our attitude – it’s important they don’t pick up on negative homework vibes.
Instead, showing an interest in what they are doing, asking questions and being enthusiastic about their homework, will likely rub off and impact their own attitude. And it’s worth remembering positivity breeds productivity.
Have regular homework time
Having regular homework time stops it being a battle and instead it just becomes part of the timetable of family life Each child is unique; some like to get it out the way, some like a break from school first and so on. It is worth having a good look at when your kids still seem to have some energy and what days you have less after school activities and plan accordingly.
Super snacks
A filled water bottle and little pre-homework snack will really help. A piece of fruit or a few rice cakes will give them an energy lift and help them focus. If they have sat all day at school some outdoor play may be also be a good idea before they settle to their studies.
A Defined Space
A defined space to work at is really important. Some children need supervision, some need a quiet space and some need lots of space. Finding what works for your child and keeping it consistent will help them settle into a routine. Making sure their space is clear and ready for them to work at will help them get stuck in, whether that’s the kitchen table or perhaps a desk in their bedroom.
Calculators, rulers, rubbers, access to a computer and printer, colouring pencils, a glue stick and scissors, lined paper and plain paper are all going to be useful and it’s worth stocking up. It can be so disheartening for a child to begin their homework only to find they don’t have the equipment they need.
I am not suggesting you should bribe your children to do their homework but an incentive…something to look forward to afterwards, is always a good motivator. Perhaps a trip to the park to blow off steam, a story, or a board game..just something fun planned to keep them on track can work wonders.
Whether or not to help your child with their homework is a discussion to have with their teacher. If they just need a bit of guidance then your supporting them is beneficial but if they are absolutely stuck it is important to let their teacher know they really couldn’t do it. By doing this you enable the teacher to can give your child the extra support they need.
It is useful to set up good habits around homework now so that these are well established before secondary school and daily homework begins.